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10 000 years before Columbus came the Indians lived along the Mississippi.
They had their own form of economy and they were independent.
1492 Columbus came to America.
The Spanish and the British were the first settlers, who were interested in more and more land. And America was/is big!
They began trading the natives; they called them "wild" and "uncivilized" people.
So, but why
did the Whites push aside the Natives?
There was the NORMAN YOKE, which allowed them to do this:
The Norman Yoke says, that white men have God's rights to take land, that seems
In the 15 the settlers wanted to make this land more productive.
What is
After their long ship journey, the settlers were tired and didn't know how to
cultivate this land. Pequot is a nation of Native Americans, who taught the
settlers how to survive.
(= origin of Thanksgiving)
So, afterwards the nice stupid white men didn't know anything better than pushing the Pequot aside.
So, this wasn't funny for the Pequot. They lived on this land for many many years, lived there in a spiritual way full of harmony with nature, had their own customs, languages, origins, religions, and they should change their way of life completely???
The Pequot didn't agree. The British Army answered with guns. A few Pequot left.
Between the 15th and the 19th century more and more settlers came with different believes, culture, religion and food.
This was horrible for the Native Americans: Because of the strange food (they weren't used to it and hadn't the same immune-system as the Europeans) diseases were transmitted.
The result: 75% of the Native Population died of the effects of this PANDEMIC!
1%/2% of Native Americans were killed in bloody massacres!
In Texas there was a high unemployment and many Indians. The Indians "disturbed":
In 1863 Natives of the SANTEE SIOUX were massacred by the 3rd regiment (under Col. Chivington - he used to be a priest - a very holy one.).They hang up the sculps of Native Americans on the Denver Opera House!!! THE PEOPLE WERE PROUD OF THAT!
I want to mention some facts: In this time you got $5 for a sculp of a Native American child, $10 for killing a woman and $20 for the sculp of a male Native American.
Buffalos were the most important source of life for the Native Americans. No
buffalos meant no food. That meant death, to leave the country or to kill other
The killing
of the buffalos by the Non-Native-Americans had two reasons:
A famous buffalo hunter was Buffalo Bill!
Native Americans had no choice to buy a fishing license, so they weren't allowed to fish, too!
Next Goal: "COMPLETE EXTERMINATION" of those, who refused to became an AMERICAN!
Result: 99% of Native American were killed. Do you think of Hitler? He acted in the same bad way!
We can compare the work of all these bad bad bad people:
No other religion than Christianity (no jews!!) |
No free religion (since 1970 N.A. have been "allowed" to be religious) |
Jews had to live in Ghettos |
Reservations for the Indians |
Race problem (the genealogical tree had to be pure!!!) |
Race problem |
Seperation: children, women, men |
Seperation: children over 5 years had been separated from their families to go to the other side of the country: they had to attend "Boarding Schools". |
What are Boarding Schools?
Young Indians should be dependent on the US-Government!
They had to become "real Americans", they had to wear other clothes and THEIR HAIR WAS CUT! This is very bad for an Indian, because that means a change of life. It wasn't okay, that the Indians couldn't cut their hair, when they thought it's the right time - when THEY wanted! So the government took another piece of Native American's culture away!
Young Native Americans also got new - white - names.
Boarding schools existed from the late 19th century until 1980!
Big Problem:
Although an "americanicised" Indian had a curriculum of such a Boarding School, this curriculum didn't fit with a usual curriculum.
Those pupils also weren't integrated in the city-school-life, because the reservations with the Boarding Schools were fare away from big cities!
Result: ●very high unemployment rate ●Teenage suicide
The Citizenship Act: Everybody, who is born on American soil is an American Citizen!
Racism grow and grow and grow. There was more discrimination against Native Americans than other cultures like Chinese, Africans, etc. .
Worthless land was used for reservations.
At the end of the 2nd world war America throw nuclear weapons on the Japanese. So they needed Uranium, which was underneath reservation's land.
The water and the fish were poisoned!
Consequences of all those Uranium Mines:
Native Americans were dying of cancer; many babies were born dead or deformed!!!
1985 the Native Americans said, that the Whites should clean up the Uranium dust!
The government tried to hide the dust and mixed the stuff for the roads with radioactive dust.
The people were still falling ill!
was/is very important for Native Americans. They respected their spirit!
For a Native American the own land is the most important thing! For them the
sun was the centre and everything around was nature, animals and human beings.
(We civilized people think, we are the centre.) With their spirit, their
religion, their land they had an identity for 1000 of years. The Whites tried
to destroy this identity. The Whites tried to destroy ideologies! And
everything because of power and this damned money!
In the
famous TRAIL OF TEARS the Native Americans have been sent away from their
Due to the Indian Removal Act especially the Cherokee had to
leave their country to go to one of those reservations. The TRAIL OF TEARS
lasted 3 to 5 months. A quarter of the Native American's population died.
Now Native Americans have the opportunity to become independent, but it's not
The problem of the abolition of their own culture and their own land still exists.
The government also wants to manage and do what it wants with the land, on which Native Americans are living. Native Americans have never been compensated (=entschädigt) for the cruel history.
American Indian Movement:
It fights for the rights of Native Americans. Members pay attention how the
government follows the treaties with the Native Americans!
Lifestyle of the Americans:
This promise of the Americans is the aim of many immigrants in the history and now!
People hope to be able to CHOOSE a job and making career, to have an own house (maybe with a gardener.), to be rich, to have a partner with or without family, etc..
Other wishes are a free opinion, keeping of the own religion, and unlimited opportunities.
But how is
it now in reality?
It's very difficult to build a career, when you're living under the
Nowadays in America there are ghettos, where people live; most of the illegal immigrants live in America under the poverty-line or are sent back by the police.
And I think, we all know, how "free" America really is! For example, you're not really allowed to express an opinion against the president or the government.
We know about Hollywood-stars, who seem to live the American Dream. But are they really happy? For your career you must look beautiful and slim and slim and slim! But is this funny? You have a lot of stress, maybe you lose your old, good, REAL friends, who aren't interested in your money. I think, the American Dream is in seldom cases possible, it's a hard way to reach it and what have you then? People have a tendency to be unsatisfied the more they have. We here in Austria have a good living standard, it's not really necessary to be as rich as possible for satisfaction.
In America the rift (=Kluft) between poor and rich is very big. The social network (which one???) isn't good: It's hard to earn enough money, when you're poor. When you have to work the whole time, because you get less money from the government and you have less holidays than in Austria (for example), you don't have much time for your children.With whom should they speak, when they have problems? Can the other children from the neighbourhood explain them how to survive this kind of lifestyle, how to manage the knowledge of being poor???
First of all, I most mention, that I know many people, who want to immigrate in Canada!!!
I wondered why, but I got answers.
Canada is freer than the US, it has lots of mountains for snowboarding and it's so big with a nice landscape, friendly people and so on.
Not later when you see "Bowling For Columbine" Michael Moore explains us too, that the Canadians are open, friendly and that they're living another lifestyle than the inhabitants of the US.
It has something to do with fear.
The Americans are afraid of themselves.
The reasons for this are - as per Michael Moore - poverty because of the very bad social network in the US, the fear, which has its roots in the history and the arms in America.
In the USA it's normal for a child to keep contact with arms..
Banks in the US give you a gun, when you open a bank account.
And the media shows everyday, how dangerous your neighbours are and how dangerous all the people on the world are. so you must have a gun, because you are afraid - afraid of other people and afraid of your future.
In contrast to the US Canada has a very good social network; the people are not so poor and more satisfied. That's why they're so open!
Canada also has another history and other roots than America.
It is influenced by the immigrants. Some inhabitants aren't happy about that, because so it's losing its own traditions.
Canada is a member of the British Community of Nations in North America, so many people say, Canada is dependent on Britain.
George W. Bush, who is victim of many jokes, who has so many enemies all over the world, , who is a proud marionette of his father, Condoleeza Rice, . IS THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - NOW!
So, governor Bush made inhuman acts in the past - and he does it now.
Why is he president? Read the first pages of "Stupid White Men" and you know that it would have been impossible for him to win the election, if there hadn't been fraud and deception (=Täuschung).
With nice words and speeches he manipulates the US-population.
He speaks about freedom, about God bless our Country, about civilisation, about democracy (what is that?) AND HE SPEAKS ABOUT PEACE!
He tries to find reasons to make war. He tells America, that the Iraq with Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden and so on are enemies of America, so that the Americans believe that and think war is okay.
But I think Bush just wants power, power and more power.
I'm afraid of Bush. He does, what his puppet players say. He doesn't attach importance to that, what the UNO says or anyone else.
America should become bigger and bigger.
Is this possible?
I read an article about the comparison between Rome and America:
America wants to be an empire like the old Rome! Is America the new Rome?
America is as dominant culturally, economically, technologically and militarily in the history of the world since the Roman Empire.
The military strength: Concerning the military, the Roman Empire was big!!! And nowadays America is big!!! America has just no colonies like Rome had it before..
Rome has done a lot of conquering and colonizing; America does it, too. we just don't see it in that way. An example for that can be the fact, that America interferes in the situation of the Iraq. I hope, nobody really thinks, that Bush wants the Iraqi having a democracy or something like that. With this war he wanted more power and he got it. I don't think, Iraq is now something like a colony of America, but I think, you can compare it with this.
Julius Caesar killed a million of Gauls (=Gallier), the Americans killed Native Americans (Cherokee, Iroquois and the Sioux)
How to get imperial success concerning America:
The rest of the world has to know about and to fear the strength of America's military (compare it with the fear of the Americans - Bowling For Columbine)
Hard imperialism: winning wars soft imperialism: cultural and political tricks (propaganda speeches of George W. Bush)
Cultural packages: America wants to influence the rest of the world with its own "culture", "lifestyle", and so on: For example: Coca Cola, Fast food, Disney, .
Ruling by "remote control" (=Fernbedienung): Americans makes pupils (especially Arabs, South Americans, Africans, who would be in a leading position in the future and would rule in the "George Bus - way" in Washington's elite schools "pro-western" and wants to "americanizise" them.
Differences between ancient Rome and America now:
Romans were proud of their status as masters, but only few Americans are proud of their own imperialism. Most of the Americans deny this role.
The US was established (=errichtet) as a rebellion against empire, in the name of freedom and self-government. Because of this roots the Americans cannot identify themselves with the role as master.
The point, which frightens the Americans: Rome declined and fell! Because of that Americans don't like a comparison with the old Rome.
There are also people, who are sure, that sooner or later such a power as the empire America will fell!
What can we do against too much power of America?
All "Bush-enemies" can publish their opinion about George W. Bush.
We can also try to "boycott" the American economy by not buying American products!
I think, if the US-government notices the hate of all those enemies, this is a good - unmilitary - way to change something to be better!
Last, but not least I want to write down a joke, which shows how policy works in America:
George W. Bush makes a tourney through America and visits an elementary
school. The pupils are allowed to ask questions: Little Bob asks the President:
"Why are you President, although you got not enough votes?
Why did you attack Iraq without the UNO-mandate?
Don't you think, that the atomic-bomb over Hiroshima was one of the biggest assassination attempts of the world?"
Suddenly the bell rings. The break begins. After the break Tom asks questions:
"Why are you President, although you got not enough votes?
Why did you attack Iraq without the UNO-mandate?
Don't you think, that the atomic-bomb over Hiroshima was one of the biggest assassination attempts of the world?
Why did the bell rang 20 minutes earlier?
And where is Bob?"
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