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You can subdivde drugs in 7 groups: Opiates
hallucinogen Drugs
Opitae are drugs which are made in a chemical reaktion with Opium (For instance Morphin and Heroin). Morphin is a very heavy painkiller (Schmerzmittel). In 1898 Heroin got introduzed. In this year the government didn't know that Heroin can make people addict to it. But after some month it got interdicted.
If you take Heroin you cause a wave of elation (Hochgefühl), but on the other side you fall into a state of deep causualness (Gleichgültigkeit).
The withdrawl symptoms: twitch of feet and hands, anxiety states, sleeplessness, sickness, cramps, regurgitate, diarrhea and fever
(Entzugserscheinungen: zucken der Füße und Hände, Angstzustände, Schlaflosigkeit, Übelkeit, Krämpfe, Erbrechen, Diarrhöe und Fieber)
In the 70's some scientists isolated the so-called Endorphines that are Opiates which naturally occur in the human brain.
The most famous drug from this group is Ecstasy (or XTC). If you take XTC you get a sense of being (Wohlgefühl) , a sympathy for everyone in your environment, more energy and in some causes you get hallucinations.
The withdrawl symptoms: Sickness, losing controll, dehydration (losing liqour (Körperflüssigkeit)), losing long-term memory (Langzeitgedächtnis), losing weight. In the XTC- tabletts from Easteurope some scientists found a impurity (Verschmutzung) up to 10 per cent.
Some other stimulants are cocaine and amphetamines. Crack is a special form of cocaine. It's a composite of baking powder (Backpulver) and cocaine. You smoke it.
In childish hyperactivity amphetamines effect quietend, but when adults take amphetamines you see where the name "Speed" is from. The effect: brighten temper and you need no sleep and in some causes you get talkatively and fussy (Die Wirkung: Stimmungsaufhellend, man braucht keinen schlaf und in manchen Fällen redselig und reizbar) If you take cocaine every day or regular you get symptombs like acute schizophrenia.
Hallucinogen Drugs
In the 60's these drugs were very popular and rife (weit verbreitet). LSD (Lysergsäurediethylamid) and Meskalin (from the Peyoltcactus) and many more. Phencyclidin ,in the english slang as "Angel Dust" and "Rocket Fuel" known, has not the same effect like LSD. The effects of LSD: euphoria, intensifaction (Intensivierung) and overlapping (überlappen) of senses (coulors can be listen and sounds can be seen). The effects of Angel Dust: gettig a feeling of disengagement (Losgelöstsein) and minimize the pain.
Some Mushrooms (or toadstools) which are in the nederlands domiciled (beheimatet) contain (beinhalten) the active agent (Bestandteil) Psilocybin which is a hallucinogen drug too. One third of the Discovisitors eat this mushroom and many people died.
Cannabis isn't a drug! It's a plant (Cannabis sativa). The drugs which are made from Cannabis are marijuana (or pot) and Hashish (or hash). Marijuana is the rubbed blossom, the leafs and small branches (geriebene Blüten, Blätter und kleine Zweige) . Hash is the pooled (konzentriert) plantpitch (Pflanzenharz). Both can be smoked. You can eat and drink Marijuana too (In form of a tea, biscuits and chocolate).
The effect: relaxation (Entspannung), faster heartbeat, slowdown of time, intensifaction of the senses.
Normaly Cannabis isn't dangerous but if you smoke it before you drive a car or else it can be dangerous. If you smoke it, the lung can get damaged but if you smoke a cigarette it has the same effect. The ingredient (Inhaltsstoff) is THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol). Since centurys Cannabis is a medicine for sickness, attacks and pain. Nowdays Cannabis is illegal, but Cannabis isn't only a drug! Cannabis is a plant from which we can get fibres and make clothes and other things out of them. The production of cotton is more expensive than the production of Cannabis and Cannabis need only 10% of the water which cotton need. Cannabis is less pretentious (anspruchsvoll).
So maybe it is clever to legalise Cannabis!
But I have no mind !!!!
The most abused (missbrauchte) drug from this group are the barbiturate. They had been taken by anxiety states (Angstzustände) and sleeplessness. The effect is like the effect of alcohol.
The withdrawl symptoms: twiching (zucken) , sleeplessness, anxiety states, cramps and delirium.
Another seditive is Benzodiazepine (Valium or Librium). Valium is a not a as heavy pain killer as Morphin is, but it's one.
Alcohol is drunken since 4000 years. Alcohol is made of fruits in a fermantation (Gärung).
The effect: a warm feeling and a tickle (Kribbeln) or else, minimize of citicism (Kritik), disinhibition (Enthemmung)
The withdrawl symptoms: euphoria, fatique (Zwangslosigkeit), depressed temper (Depressive Stimmung) and aggression
The different levels of the effect of alcohol:
a. The state of happyness:
A feeling of heat, unconventionality (Zwangslosigkeit), hapyness, a urge of talking (Redezwang) and exaggerated opinion of oneself (Selbsüberschätzung).
b. Inebriationstate:
Toddle (Gehstörung), trouble with the balance, trouble with speaking, disinhibition (Enthemmung).
c. Anaesthetizationsstate:
Confusedness and loseing memory
d. Paralysisstate:
Hypothermia (Unterkühlung) , loseing reflex movement, can lead to death
(Inebriationstate = Rauschzustand)
(Anasthetizionsstate = Betäubungszustand)
(Paralysisstate = Lähmungszustand)
Inhalants can be normal things as for instance glue, sprays and solvents (Lösungsmittel). They effect: muting (dämpfend) and lightly exhilarating (leicht anregend)
The withdrawl symptoms: losing control, unconsciousness (Bewusstlosigkeit), headache, sickness and numbness (Benommenheit).
A high dose can lead to death or it can damaged the brain. Some other new fashiondrugs are butane gas and propane. This drugs are more dangerous than the others. Already a little dose can be deathly.
The cultural history / did you know that . . .
The old Sumerer used more than a third of their corn (Getreide) to produce beer (the liquid bread).
On festive days (Festtage) in Egypt the Inebriation wasn't only allowed it was culturally bade (kulturell geboten). Pharaos and priests (Priester) get drunken till they puke (erbrechen). That's the holy unconsciousness.
The "symposium" is Greek and means "Trinkgelage".
Demeter, a Greek goddess of agriculture and field crops, is with the two most important plants the corn and the poppy (Mohnkapsel) mapped (abgebildet). Findings showed that the cultivation of poppy was known 4000 BC (4000 v. Chr.).
In europe and America Cannabis was as a medicamet known. Till the 16 century Cannabis found a entry into the Herbbooks (Kräuterbücher).
Marijuana was till 1898 the most important and most used pain-killer in America. After 1898 the Aspirin got more important.
In 1500 The per- head- consumption of vine was over 400 litre. 3 - 4 litre were normal.
Between 1850 and 1950 over 100 Cannabis medicaments were obtainable (erhältlich).
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