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Referat Television

englisch referate

englisch referate


TV is very important for many people. They can´t live without television. The people forget to speak together.

Many children watch too much TV and they watch the wrong films.

In many films agression comes and this assign of the people. The people are more agressive than 30 years ago.

The parents put their children in front of the TV to have their peace.

By the children should keep an eye that they watch the right films. There must be a limit for the films on one day. So the children only watch a few films on one day.

The parents can also introduce a book-hour. Thers the children read a book instead of watching television.

TV supplants the palour games. It s more fun to play a palour game than to watch television.

But TV not only had, it is also good. It gives us many interesting films and every evening the news.

We have no television at home. I watch TV only on weekends, not during the week.

I don´t watch everything on TV, mostly the news and good films. Sometimes a good book is better than TV.

I think I watch TV with a limit.

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