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Referat Tom Sharpe,Wilt - Summary

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Tom Sharpe,Wilt

Some information about the author :

Tom Sharpe was born in 1928 and educated at Lancing College and at

Pembroke College, Cambridge. He did his National Service in the Marines

before going to South Africa in 1951, where he did social work for the

Non-European Affairs Departement before teaching in Natal. He had a

photographic studio in Pietermaritzburg from 1957 until 1961, when he was

deported. From 1963 to 1972 he was a lecturer in History at the Cambridge

College of Arts and Technology. In 1986 he was awarded the XXXIIIième

Grand Prix de L'Humour Noir Xavier Forneret. He is married, has three

daughters and lives in Cambridge.

Summary :

Henry Wilt, Assistant Lecturer (Grade Two) at the Fenland College of Arts

and Technology has his job for ten years and he hates it. Also he hates Eva,

the wife at his side since the twelve years of marriage and so he just considers

of how he could kill her the easiest way.

One day, after being told that he wasnt promoted fifth time in a row and later

getting punched by one of his pupils he comes home and Eva says to him, that

she wants to suck his nipples until he comes oral wise, so the only thing he

does is turn around and flee for the next hours. The woman Eva has her

inspirations from for such things is Sally Pringsheim, a bi-sexual

nymphomatic new friend of her. The next day Eva and Henry (against his will)

go to a party from Sally and her husband Gaskell, a rich and important

scientist. At the party, Sally gives Henry the order to fuck her but he dont want

to. Sally is really enraged at that and when Henry fells down and is

unconscious for a moment Sally takes all his clothes off and stucks his dick in

Judy, the sex-doll of her man. Henry wakes up but cant get out, falls again and

the people from the party see him lying around like this. Late at night he goes

home alone. Next day after coming home from work he finds a letter from Eva

and a package.The letter says that she wont ever forgive him and that she will

be away a few days with Sally and Gaskell. In the package there lies Judy.

And Eva really spends the next days together with Pringsheims on a boat.

First she thinks everything they do or talk about is so wonderful and

intelligent, but at the end she gets trouble with them and escapes from the


Meanwhile Henry has the most exciting week in his life.

At the first evening he tries to "practice" the murder and dresses the doll with

clothes and a wig of Eva. He carries her to a 10 meters deep hole near his

school which shall be filled with cement the next day and Judy -against

Henrys will, he just wanted to test it- fells in. Henry, unlucky as he is, also

loses some papers there. The next day the workers come and fill in the cement

but they think theyve seen a woman in there, find the papers that Henry wrote

and so the Police catches him for murder. The next six days Henry spents with

Inspector Flint, who wants him to make a confession but Henry doesnt, instead

he makes him mad. Some very shamy moments for the Inspector, some very

disillusionary ones for Eva and very funny ones for Henry later, Eva comes

back and so they have to let Henry go, but the one who is most unhappy about

it, is Henry himself

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