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1.2 History of the World Wide Web
2. Internet in Students' Lives
3. What do I need to get started?
4. How to Find Needed Resources
5. How Can the Internet be Used for the LK English
Englisch-Wörterbücher aller Art
5.2 Resources for English Stylistic Devices and Writing Skill
5.2.2 English Language Learning Resources
5.3.2 Advanced Grammar Resources
5.5 Reading Resources for Students
The Complete Works of Shakespeare
CNN Interactive World News Main Page
5.5.3 Comprehension Reading Resources
5.6 Listening and Speaking Resources
5.7 English Tests and Comprehension Materials
5.7.2 Comprehension Courses and Tests
The International Writing Exchange
Intercultural E-Mail Classroom Connection
BYU's English Language Cybercentre
5.8.2 Chat and Online Contact with Other Users
6. Who Offers all these Resources?
Making Use of the Internet for English Studies
The Internet. The media everybody talks about and wants to get use of. Newspapers and magazines are covered with articles about this complicate network, even though they are presenting the issues on their own homepages in the Internet; every single company, may it be a little store or a tycoon, presents itself and its products throughout the web. Today, on every letter head and buisnesscard email addresses can be found.
Yet today, thousands of students in dozens of countries around the world are living the reality of the global village in interactive ways. Through the medium of networks and telecommunication technologies these students are learning to think of themselves as global citizens for the first time, seeing the world, and their place in the world, in ways much different than their parents.
The Internet is basically a connection of many computers located all over the world. What these computers really do is exchange information. The Internet seems to be chaotic at first sight. What else should we expect of a system which is not controlled or organized by anybody. But it works anyway. It is the playground for everybody. All of us can take use from this network. It might be disappointing for some newbies when they notice that life on the net is just normal and trivial. But it must be obvious that netters won't change fundamentally only because they are connected by a computer. Horror fictions like 'Newromancer' are exciting and breath-taking, but this has nothing to do with the Internet of today, (Cole, page 10). Still, the world's biggest computer network is surrounded by an aura of mystery.
In contrast to controlled flow of information, however, the global interconnection of networks gives millions of people direct access to information in ways the world has never seen before. Information of every sort flows freely, across national borders and around the world, directly from where it's happening to where it's needed.
The history of the Internet is something else than everybody would expect. It was a planned system by the US Army. In the early 1960's, in the time of the Cold War, the American government was faced with the problem, how the country was to communicate after a nuclear war. So they created a non-centralized network that linked city to city and military base to base. The network works even if some parts of it were destroyed. In 1969 the ARPANET was created, to give civilians access to it. The users changed this high speed network to an electronic post office (->Email). Scientists and researchers used ARPANET to collaborate on projects. Eventually, people used it for leisure activities such as chatting or mailing lists (-> Usenet).
In the 1980's, the National Science Foundation (NSF) started a program to establish Internet access. They created a 'Backbone' called NSFNET to connect college campuses via regional network, (Cole, page 10). But despite of the switching off of the NSFNET by the US government in 1995, which was misunderstood as the breakdown of the Internet, too many host-computers existed already to keep the Internet alive. Bill Clinton said in his 1997's inauguration address: 'Ten years ago, the Internet was a mystical province of physicists; today, it is a commonplace encyclopedia for millions of schoolchildren', (Clinton, 1997).
(cf. Cole, Internet, S.10; cf. similar PBS)
In the early 1990's the Internet experienced explosive growth. 'Traffic on the Internet expands at a 341,634% annual growth rate', (). The main reason of this growing was the creation of the World Wide Web.
The World Wide Web (WWW) was created at CERNa physics laboratory in Geneva, Switzerland in 1989. The World Wide Web is the fastest growing Internet resource, but it is a part of it. Its development was based on the transmission of web-pages over the Internet, called HTTP, by using the HTML technology. The WWW is able to include text, pictures, sound, music, voice, animations and videos on its web-pages. The user can simply click on a link and than switch to a new page, because the WWW-pages support hypertext. The Internet was previously black and white, text and files. By improving the HTML-Mode technology, the color mode was added.
A web-browser is needed to get access to the WWW, like the Netscape Navigator or the Microsoft Explorer. The two companies, Netscape and Microsoft are fighting 'an epic battle' for the number one position in the web market, (Cooper, page 52). Nobody knows exactly how big the WWW really is. Search engines try to index the whole WWW, like the Web Archive Organization. The huge collection of online books at the Library of Congress [] is amazing.
'The Internet offers the researcher access to a vast source of information scattered at locations around the world.', (Campbell, page 1). It gives you more information or working materials than a local library can offer. You can gain access to written materials, but it is possible to link to video, audio, and listening resources as well.
Most students still have problems using the English language. Firstly, students are not native English speakers and have to learn everything right from the beginning. Secondly, students live in a non-English speaking country and cannot use the language in normal life, only in the classroom. There, they skip into an English-speaking world and read English texts, articles, poems, short stories and novels to improve their speaking skills. On this way, they get used to speak the foreign language.
But the effort, students must make in order to do well in the LK English is on a high level. In tests and exams they have to analyze short stories of famous authors or articles, out of Time or Newsweek In those articles they must find the style and form of the writing or the point of view out of the given texts. Recognizing stylistic devices, irony or satire is even harder.
Once connected to the web, students can find needful material for the years of their English classes. The variety and diversity of the wide ranged links are amazing and unbelievable. You will never cover everything, but surely enough for your studies. English learning students can improve their abilities in every area. Especially when they have problems in writing, grammar or spelling, lack of vocabulary or not enough knowledge about English speaking countries. The Internet faces all these problems and offers everything and unlimited material to fill these gaps.
'The Internet holds the potential for revolutionizing the way research is done', (Campbell, page 2). This sentence might be true, if you take a look on the advantages of it. The Internet is available 24 hours a day and is the best stocked global library. Finding material is easier and faster than it is in a huge library. Students can share information, material and ideas via chat or email, not only in their city, but they can exchange all over the world. The Internet comes into every students house and appears on the computer screen.
Nearly every household has a computer these days. In the time of multimedia the PC or Mac is able to arrange presentations, calculations and well organized texts. As easy as this, it is to get access to the Internet. Only a few things are needed.
The only thing you need beside your computer is a modem. A modem is the key to the vast resources. Modems can transfer datas out of the big networks of the Internet. The transferring rate can reach 115.500 bauds with 56.000 kps (kilobytes per second). The cost of an Internet connection varies tremendously with your location and the kind of connection that is appropriate to your needs.
Right now, the development of ISDN offers the user an access rate of 64.000 kps to the Web. This is a very high rate and makes Internet surfing to a fantastic experience.
As soon as you are registered to an commercial online service, you can use a simple understandable software, which is based on Windows 9x or Windows NT.
The most important part of the online software is the Internet browser. This is the door to the wide world of information. Today, the most used browser is the Microsoft Explorer 5.0 and the Netscape Navigator 4.7. They offer you easy access to the Internet. With additional software, you are able to get the whole multimedia features, like Internet phone or voice mail. These additional software is called 'Plug-In', like Real Audio.
If you are new on the Internet it will be hard for you to get along in this jungle. The easiest way to find needed resources would be to contact a search engine like Yahoo or AltaVista They are the biggest and best filled engines on the web. Meanwhile, different engines can be found, some German web crawlers, too.
At the main page of one of this engines, you can use the search feature by filling in a keyword about your wanted material and within seconds all related links (called matches), which include your keyword, appear on the screen and can be visited.
A good example would be to use the Internet in order to find material about the '96 American presidential election. Using the Yahoo search engine is the simplest way. Contact Yahoo and fill in the keyword 'Election 96' in the given search-field. After a few seconds the Yahoo server tells you that it found 10338 matches including the word 'Election 96'. Now it is possible to crawl through all this 10338 matches, which would take nearly a year. But after finishing the first twenty links, you probably already got all information you wanted to know about the American presidential elections and this might be sulficient. In the first twenty matches of our example you find an explanation about the electoral system or the website address of the Project Vote Smart Campaign. On this page you get everything about the candidates, parties, the election process or the campaign strategy. On nearly every web page you find additional or related links which can be visited.
To get information about a nation, important persons or happenings, fill in the keyword and receive the needed results. If students need any background-knowledge about things they have talked about in class they should contact a search engine.
Once connected to the net you will have the biggest information data server of the world. Especially for students, a lot of resources are offered.
Many dictionaries are based on the Web, most of them are easy to use and reply quickly. It is amazing that most dictionaries are located on German university's servers.
These online dictionaries are a collection of English-German and German-English dictionaries. If a word can't be found in your dictionary at home, it is possible to go online and try it in these huge filled 'Online Dictionaries'. Using an online dictionary saves money. You don't have to buy new and expensive dictionaries anymore, because the web-dictionaries get continuously updated. But you do not get detailed information about the different ways the word can be used, like you find in the books of Langenscheidt or Ponds.
In English classes, students often have to analyse stories, articles or texts. This takes a main part in English learning. They should be able to deal with an given text, to understand and to interpret it. Common questions about a text are to figure out the theme, plot, point of view or a characterization. In the Internet, you find pages which explain these objects and tell you how to express and find them in a given text.
At this website you find different styles of literature criticisms. You find a plan how to go through a text most effectively step by step. In order to improve your writing, it is shown how to analyse a given text and to deal with questions. It provides hints about 'Plot', 'Characterization' or 'Point of View' and many other important things about critiquing.
Victory Crayne, the author, did a fantastic job in writing this page to give everybody an outlook about the way of analysing texts. Before a forthcoming test it is helpful for LK students to contact this page, because it prepares them perfectly to deal with questions in LK English tests and in the final exam, the Abitur.
One of the best writing-related link on the web is the Writer's Web. It is set up by an American college from the University of Richmond/VI. It gives students a sophisticated tools to help them formulate better English. This web-page includes links to wonderfully explained websites about problems every student must face, like drafting a paper, punctuation, sentence structure or quoting. For example, you see on the page 'Using Paraphrases' the right way to restate another person's idea.
There are not only stylistic devices, but also hints about how to write an essay or a text good enough that it can passed to teachers, professors or employers. Another helpful link is the site about the right way of integrating resources in an essay or expert work. The sites of Writers Web are easy to understand and are a pearl of online English learning resources. It is an important reference page for students to consult in about forgotten forms.
To learn a foreign language is hard. In most cases the language you want to learn has no roots together with your own language. Some resources in the Internet help you to deal with the English language and get most out of your efforts.
One of the oldest educational resource on the Internet is offered by BenJX. These websites explain the visitor how to learn a foreign language and how to get used to the world of the Internet. There are texts ready to download about learning English on the Internet, but also general texts about the 'normal' way of language learning. They teach you to achieve the best results in further studies and explain, how to succeed in other areas, like reading, writing or speaking. They go deeper into debating and negotiating in a foreign language. You can download texts about courses to improve your language skills in a very short time.
Further Internet addresses are useful for advanced English students. They can be visited as well, because they include more material to gain the language knowledge, like Writing Help This is a collection of links to other writing sources.
The Keith Ivey's English Usage Pagec is a miscellany of links to spelling or pronouncing pages and many other educational resources.
The most important thing about speaking a language correctly is the right use of its grammar. The English grammar is not very difficult, but it still provides a lot of problems to students. The Internet offers many web sites dealing with grammar.
If you want to use the Internet like a big grammar-encyclopaedia, you should try the following resources.
This is the best grammar on the net. It is set up by the Edunet International Organization and written by Anthony Hughes. On these pages lots of explanations about the use of adjectives, adverbs or nouns can be found. The definite and indefinite articles: the, an, a, or the distributives: either, neither, nor, each, every , are explained. Not one chapter is missing in this excellent online grammar.
It is very helpful for students, because it gets updated continuously and gives more examples than any school book can offer.
Ruth Vilmi set up this link page. You can find information about punctuation, spelling, but also lots of grammatical information, like explanations about the right use of pronouns, the passive or vocabulary.
The best organized and best filled grammatical and style library on the Internet is offered by Perdue College/Indiana. An Online Writing Lab(oratory) shows you how to use English grammatically correct and explains you how to use several terms. The list of explanations last from sentence structure, commas, quotations to spelling and gerunds. If you have questions about these terms, you will find good examples and comparisons. It is the best website for students to surf in and explore the rules and the use of the English language. As far as I am concerned, it is the best help for students on the web.
This website was invented by Jack Lynch. It is a little encyclopaedia about grammatical rules and explanations and comments on style. The material is ordered in alphabetical capitals and therefore you can find your grammatical term easily by using this search feature.
If you search for the difference between 'affect' and 'effect', you will get this result:
Affect versus Effect:
Affect with an a is usually a verb; effect with an e is (usually) a noun.
When you affect something, you have an effect on it. The usual adjective is effective.
Effect as a verb is a different word altogether, which means to bring about or to accomplish, as in 'to effect a change.'
If you read this phrase you recognize that it is not explained correctly. It is wrong that 'affect' is usually a verb and 'effect' usually a noun. It is wrong as well that the noun 'effect' is a different word altogether, because it has the same meaning like the verb. The whole text does not exactly explain the diversity of the words 'affect' and 'effect'.
Grammatical Support, which tries to go deeper into the English grammar, is located on the web, as well. It will be helpful for every student to use these resources to improve the capability of using English correctly. But these sources will not produce gifted students or improve their skills dramatically after they went through them. They only support learning beside school.
This 'Clinic' was also set up by Edunet International. It is an outstanding resource for students as well as for native English speakers. You can send your English grammar questions to the Lydbury English Centre (Email-link on the website). Your email will be answered by professional teachers. For answers you can enter a forum, or the so called 'Grammar Cafe' for a chat. If you think your question is a common question, that it might be answered at once, you can visit the FAQ-page, where you find a lot of common answered grammar questions.
I myself downloaded the whole FAQ-page and saved it on a hard drive, because it already covered all my grammar problems and so I did not have to contact the teachers in the forum.
These websites contain grammar, vocabulary and comprehension questions based on real stories. You can choose between vocabulary, grammar and discussion material right at the frontage. The resources are only available during the school year, but you can get access to previous exercises at any time.
Additional grammar resources can be found on the link-page 'Grammar Resources for English Language Learners'
Another page which includes grammar sources is the English Grammar Links for English Students
Students often have problems doing their homework. The worst case which can happen is not to understand what it is all about or lack of knowledge in a science area. There are two good homework supporting pages on the web.
A teacher from Trabuco Hills High School will help in nearly every subject, no matter whether maths, physics or English. You can leave an email with your question and it will be answered in about 2 or 3 days.
On this website five different forums are located. One of them is the English-Help Forum. You can send an email with your problem and you will receive help. The support you will get is not a perfectly solved homework, it is only to make you understand the material.
The Internet is the biggest library of the world, because it contains huge sources of written materials. 'In the broadest sense, literature is everything that has been written from the classical novel or sonnet to a soap opera script or comic book', (Campbell, page 267). So most of it might be interesting and helpful for students, because reading improves your ability to talk and gains your vocabulary.
There are many magazines, newspapers and books located on the Internet and beside that, they are available in local stores. On many pages you can find links to famous books or magazines, which get updated daily in the style of the printed copy. There are many specialized areas of literature accessible through the Internet. College campuses around the world have electronic literature resources available. The opportunity for students to download their working material freely is one of the best things about the Internet.
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