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Information Tchnology Austria has made a significant contribution to advances in the fields of science and technology . It must be said, however that the achievements of our scientists, engineers, technologists and inventors have not always ...
Dear Editor, I have heard and read a lot about the Electoral College system and its problems, especially in the last few weeks . In my opinion this system might have some advantages, but the present disadvantages are too much and important to co ...
International Trade Why do we need international trade? Because of the different climate or rough materials . If you want to have bananas you can buy Austrian, but if there are Austrian ones, they are very expensive . So we ha ...
Internet Now, I want to tell you something about the Internet . My report contains the requirements, a description of the World Wide Web and the eMail . First of all I’ll list the requirements . For an access to the Internet you need a ...
Internet history of the internet requirements for being online possibilities internet in schools risks and safety on the internet history: The ARPA net  (Advanced Research Projects Agency Net ) , which ...
Internet - Summary History Internet is know by everybody since 1995, but the setting up was in 1969 . The name of the net in the seventies was Arpanet and it was developed for the military and the science . It serves just for c ...
INTERNET 0 . 1    What´s the Internet? That question is rather difficult to answer because the Internet is so many things to so many different people . It's simply a series of computer networks linked together all over the wor ...
Interpretation The history of King Lear and his three daughters is an old British legend . In his interpretation Shakespeare takes different sources; the main character is supposed to be taken from “The True Chronicle History of King Lei ...
Interpretation The history of King Lear and his three daughters is an old British legend . In his interpretation Shakespeare takes different sources; the main character is supposed to be taken from “The True Chronicle History of King Leir” . ...
Interpretation of Contemporary Poems of the 1960s 1 . Bob Dylan´s  ”Blowing in the Wind” 1 . 1 . The song’s History The inspiration for this song is believed to have come to Bob Dylan´s mind  one afternoon in April 1962 , durin ...
Interpretation of “Romeo & Juliet”   Indeed “Romeo and Juliet” is the most popular drama of William Shakespeare . This tragic lovestory touches many humans nad is been the original for lots of movies . I want to take a closer loo ...
INTO THE INTERIOR: AUTOR: Sandra Hannesschlaeger Into the Interior! The end of the 18-century mapped Ausralia´s coastline . There were many theories about what could be on the other side of the Blue Mountains . Some people thought, the la ...
Investing in People   1 . Introducion The overall aim of the Government’s national training strategy is to help secure a skilled and productive workforce . The role of Government is: to provide leadership and strategic directio ...
IRAQ - USA _Table of Contents_   [A] Preface   I . )        Page 03   . .  Albert Einstein II . )    Page 03 ...
IRELAND The population of Ireland In Ireland there live 4,89 million people . About 3,5 million live in the Republic where 93 per cent of them are Catholics . From about 1,5 million people living in Northern Ireland there are ...
Ireland and the Conflict in Northern Ireland Ireland is an island, of the British Isles, the westernmost and second largest of the group, in the North Atlantic Ocean, and separated from Great Britain by St George's Channel on the southeast ...
Ireland and the Conflict in Northern Ireland Ireland is an island, of the British Isles, the westernmost and second largest of the group, in the North Atlantic Ocean, and separated from Great Britain by St George's Channel on the southeast ...
Irish conflict Who is fighting whom? It is not so much a fight between ordinary Catholic and Protestant citizens but rather a fight between extremist groups from either side of the divide . If one group carries out a violent act, it i ...
Irish conflict Who is fighting whom? It is not so much a fight between ordinary Catholic and Protestant citizens but rather a fight between extremist groups from either side of the divide . If one group carries out a vi ...
Irish Immigrants Mary O’Donnell finished cooking the Sunday night dinner . She had spent the entire Sunday afternoon peeling the potatoes, washing the vegetables and preparing the meat . The Sunday night dinner special because it was the only ...

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