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S . E . Hinton Rumble Fish Russel James, called “Rusty James”, is a fourteen – year – old boy who lives in a crappy region . Although he stays together with his father, who has nothing better to do than to go into bars and to drink, an ...
AUTHOR: S . E . Hinton TITLE: The Outsiders MAIN CHARACTERS: Ponyboy (Pony) Curtis  is fourteen years old . He has greenish-grey eyes and red hair, which is longer than a lot of boys wear theirs and it´s squared off at the back and lo ...
S: E . Hinton The Outsiders „The Outsiders“ is a story of US teenage gangsterism . Summary Ponyboy Curtis lives in a city of Oklahoma . He is the narrator of the story . He lives together with his two older brothers . They ...
Sadie and Kevin INTO EXILE Author The author, Joan Lingard was born in Edinburgh, but then she lived, until she was eighteen, in Belfast . At the age of eleven she began writing and wanted to become a writer . Joan Lingard is the author ...
Sadie and Kevin INTO EXILE Author The author, Joan Lingard was born in Edinburgh, but then she lived, until she was eighteen, in Belfast . At the age of eleven she began writing and wanted to become a writer . Joan Lingard is the auth ...
SAME TIME NEXT YEAR by Bernard Slade Characters:   George  A man Doris     A woman Setting:   The entire action of the play takes place in a room in a traditional country-style inn, two hundred m ...
SAN DIEGO Last year I had the opportunity to go to San Diego . With Sabrina I could stay in a very hospitally family for three weeks . San Diego, which is located in the farthest south-west  close to the mexi ...
SAN DIEGO Last year I had the opportunity to go to San Diego . With Sabrina I could stay in a very hospitally family for three weeks . San Diego, which is located in the farthest south-west  close to the mexican border, historic ...
San Francisco San Francisco is a big city in California with a unique flair . Some people say it is a very European city because European influences are everywhere . San Francisco is a peninsula, the city is surrounded by the pacific . Th ...
SAN FRANCISCO San Francisco one of the most beautiful cities of the USA was built-like Rom- on seven hills and it is stamped of victorianish houses and of different parts of the city, the most famous part is 'Chinatown' . 1 . Lo ...
San Francisco San Francisco is a big city in California with a unique flair . Some people say it is a very European city because European influences are everywhere . San Francisco is a peninsula, the city is surrounded by the pacific . The ...
SAN FRANCISCO San Francisco one of the most beautiful cities of the USA was built-like Rom- on seven hills and it is stamped of victorianish houses and of different parts of the city, the most famous part is 'Chinatown' . 1 . Location Sa ...
San Francisco San Francisco is a city in the west of California . California is located on the west coast of the USA and borders to the Pacific Ocean . The population of the city is about 750 . 000 and in the Bay Area live about 6 . 000 . 000 peop ...
Satanismus Die Definition von Satanismus: Satanismus ist die Bezeichnung für jegliche Verherrlichung und Verehrung Satans als das wiedergöttliche Prinzip .  Der moderne Satanismus geht auf Aleister Crowley und den ORDO TEMPLI  ORIENTI ...
Saudi Arabia ·       Type of Goverment Saudi Arabia is an Islamic monarchy . It is ruled by the house of Saud . Abdul-Aziz al Saud untited the Arabian peninsula in 1932 . Saudi Arabia was named after hi ...
SCHIZOPHRENIA I had never been seriously mentally ill before, although I had suffered from depression since the age of eight . My family found it hard to talk about feelings and I never communicated well with my parents . The attack happe ...
School in Britain School in Britain is very different from school in Germany . First the pupils have to go to a primary school . Then, when they are eleven, they go to a comprehensive school . Many comprehensive schools are very big – sometime ...
School in Britain School in Britain is very different from school in Germany . First the pupils have to go to a primary school . Then, when they are eleven, they go to a comprehensive school . Many comprehensive schools are very big – sometime ...
School in the USA   School in the USA is quite different when compared to school in Germany . All the students go to the same kind of school . That’s the reason why the American schools are so huge . All the kids fr ...
School in the USA School in the USA is quite different when compared to school in Germany . All the students go to the same kind of school . That’s the reason why the American schools are so huge . All the kids from a certain area atten ...

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