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Referat Family in Austria

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Family in Austria

History starting at the beginning of the 20th century:

many families got split up as a reason of the 2nd World War

approximately 11 million German soldiers got captured

women and children had to do nearly the whole work

building up the country was done by women

it was common that grandparents lived together with the other family members

Statistic of marriages in Austria:

2005: 39030 couples married

(+1.9% in comparison to 2004)

In the 1980s und 1990s:

an average of 45.000 married

the number of marriages decreased and reached a minimum of 34213 marriages in 2001

Average age when people get married:

changed over the years

1998: women: 26.8 years

men: 29.2 years

 2007: women: 28.8 years

men: 31.6 years

Age difference: 1998: 2.4 years

2007: 2.8 years

Number of children:

in the 1980s and 90s: about 90.000

2001: a minimum of 75458 was reached

2007: 76250 children were born

women are older when they get their first child

Family life nowadays:

In Austria there exist 2.3 million families

In 1.4 million live children

302000 single-parent families:

They consist of one parent and her/his children

Patchwork families & singles:

9% of families with children are patchwork families

Highest number of patchwork families:


1.2 million single-households

In comparison to 1985 the number of persons, who live alone has increased by 65%

over 60% thereof are people, who are older than 60


3.5 million households

Average size: 2.32 persons per household

63,4% of all households are families

57% of the housework is done by women

only 13% done by men

Looking after children:

59% of parents living together in one household point out that they care for their children together

33% of women who live in a relationship have to cope alone with them

far less men take parental leave(=Karenz) than women

professional child care is more likely, when both parents go to work


Number of divorces in the 80s & 90s:

approximately 16000 per year

2001 the maximum of 20582 divorces was reached

The overall divorce rate is now about 49%

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