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King Lear
Author: William Shakespeare was born in Stratford - on - Avon in 1564 (April 26). He was the son of a wealthy tradesman of political
influence. In 2 he married Anne Hathaway, who was eight years older than him.
In 1586 he went to London, leaving his wife and children in Stratford. He died there on April 23rd 1616.
Famous works: Romeo and Juliet, King Henry IV, King Henry VIII and many others more.
The drama "King Lear" was written in 1605 / 06.
Persons: Lear - King of Britain; an impatient, hot tempered man
Goneril - eldest daughter; wife of the Duke of Albang Regan - second daughter; wife of the Duke of Cornwall Cordelia - youngest daughter; wife of the King of France
Earl of Gloucester Edmund - his bastard son Earl of Kent
King Lear: dominating character, is self confident and high handed; he is too hot tempered;
Has no judge of men and is very impatient. His contempt of men is the most
Striking attribute.
Fools: In Shakespeare's works and plays: are the guides through the plays and interpret the
Truth. They are the clever and wise characters and not the others.
Story: King Lear divides his kingdom among. Daughters according to their affection. Only the King of France, marries her later, and the Earl of
Kent protect her. Lear banishes his friend the Earl. Edmunds want his brother's possession. He writes a letter, which convinces the Earl that Edgar is planning to murder him. Edgar must flee.
In the meantime Goneril treats her father with disrespect and reduces the number of his follower. He goes to angrily to Regan's castle. Regan refuse to house her father until he has apologized to Goneril. She leave Lear together with Kent and his fool out in a terrible storm. The elements are raging. By and by Lear lose his mind. Gloucester warns him that his eldest daughter are plotting against his life and he sends him to Dover where he will find in army under Cordelia, who came from France to protect him.
Edmund show Goneril, Regan and the Duke of Cornwall a letter wich approves his father, working to France. Regan blind the Earl of Gloucester. Wonderin through the counterpide he meets Poor Tom, take him to Dover where he will commit suicide. There Edgar leads his father to the cliffs. Immagining he had jumped from them, Gloucester finds himself save by miracle. The Duke of Albany has defeat the French, Cordelia and Lear are imprisoned and Edmund orders their execution. Goneril poison Regan because both love Edmund. When the mother turns out she stab herself.
Edgar kills Edmund in a fight. Then he save Lear and Cordelia, but it is too late. She is already hanged and he die of a broken heart.
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