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The Giver by Lois Lowry
In den früheren Kapiteln passiert nichts wichtiges, es werden nur die Personen ein bisschen vorgestellt und Jonas Geschichte, unwichtig. In der Inhaltsangabe hab ich keinen Wert auf Grammatik oder Zeitformen gelegt, aber der Inhalt ist zu 90% richtig, es geht nur um den Inhalt und wenn ihr damit dran kommt soll es ja auch selbst gemacht klingen oder???
8. Chapter:
the ceremony ends and now they call for Jonas to stand up; he has been selected to be the new Receiver; they say that they have failed at their last selection and that the job will be hard, alone, apart and causes a lot of pain; he will need Intelligence, Integrity, Courage and Wisdom (which he will get from the giver); at the end of the Ceremony the community started shouting his name
9. Chapter:
now Jonas is the new receiver and doesn't know what this is; he rides home with Asher; He talks about his *job* with his family; they all say that it is a great honour; in his room he looks at his new rules; he is afraid that there will be no more time to play with his friends; he may now ask any question but doesn't want to do this; he doesn't have to tell his dreams which is good for him because he dreamed so rarely; he doesn't get any medicine at his job, only for thing that happen in his free time; he had never thought about applying for release; and wonders whether other adults are also allowed to lie
10. Chapter:
Fiona and Jonas ride to their new *jobs* Jonas went to the Annex; he goes to the room of the Giver; it is a room with a lot of books; the Giver tells him that he is the new Receiver; the giver says that there are no apologizes in this room; Jonas has a lot of questions but doesn't ask one of them, he is a little bit afraid; the giver wants to give all his memories to Jonas; in this room he can turn the speakers off ; the giver is going to transmit the first memory, its about snow and sleights;
11. Chapter:
Jonas likes the *snow memory*; after the transmission, he knows some new words e.g. snow, sleight; the giver says that any memory transmitted to Jonas is lost for the giver, he doesn't have it anymore; Jonas wants to know why there isn't any snow now, the giver says that it was to dangerous and made food growing very difficult for the community and so they cut down the hills and used a climate control system to ban the snow and many other things like sunshine and summer; Jonas wants also a bad memory and so he gets the memory of sunburn; Jonas wants to know the name of the man, but he says that he is only *the Giver*
12. Chapter
Jonas is back at home; he dreamed of the snow but didn't tell it; after school Fiona expects Jonas to describe his first day but she doesn't ask because this would be impolite; Jonas saw a change at Fiona, like at the apple; Jonas tells the giver about it; Jonas resumed the memory of snow, he didn't see the sled, but now he sees it and it has the same *colour* as Fionas Hair and the apple; the giver tells him that this is the colour red and that there are many other colours; Jonas wants to know why there aren't any colours in his world, the giver says that the community has banned them because of the sameness which everything should have; at least he gives him the memory of a rainbow;
13. Chapter
Jonas begins to see all colours; he asks himself why not everyone can see the colours because of sameness; he wants to make decisions e.g. whether to wear a red or a blue pullover; get the memory of guns and animals e.g. elephant; the giver had a spouse(wife), but was not allowed to share the memories with her; the giver is asked rarely by the community for advice; there was a receiver before Jonas, he failed and all the memories which have been transmitted to him were released and all the people in the community could feel them; Jonas knows only his and some other communities, he wonders what is far away from his community; Jonas wants to get a painful memory, because he wants to take pain from the giver
14. Chapter
The memory he gets was a crash with his sled a broken leg; now his daily training always includes pain; Jonas wants to know why he must hold so much memories because it gives them wisdom; the elders search his advice when they have a problem they were never faced before; Jonas wonders why not everyone gets the pain because the decision was made long time ago; the family unit hopes that Gabriel (Newchild) will not be released; Jonas wants Gabriel in his bedroom tonight; in the middle of the night Gabriel starts crying and Jonas transmits him the memory of sailing and Gabriel slept;
15. Chapter
The giver feels very bad and wants Jonas to take some of the pain; he gets a very terrible memory of war with blood all around and men, begging for water; then he *wakes up* and the giver apologizes himself for this memory
16. Chapter
Jonas is back home and afraid of going again to the giver because of the painful memory; but the giver reminds him of all the good things and gives him his favourite memory, its about Christmas and grandparents; he doesn't know about grandparents, because when a member of the community applies for children, their parents will be in the House of the Old or released; he likes the memory but thinks that it is dangerous with a fire in a house and such old people because perhaps at home they were not well taken care; at home he asks his parents whether they love him, his father says that they like him and enjoy his presence and that he should say what he means; Gabriel was sleeping again in his room , wakes up and Jonas gives him now each night a memory (of picnics, sun.); the next morning he doesn't take his pill;
17. Chapter
the chapter starts with an unscheduled holiday, so Jonas can do what he wants; he meets Asher and some children, playing with imaginary weapons; that remembers Jonas of the real war in his memory; he told them to stop playing and the children went away; he has a little quarrel (Streit) with Asher; back home, Lily says that she wants her own bicycle but she will get it in half of a year; his father says that tomorrow one of the twins which were born some days ago has to be released and that he has to make the decision which;
18. Chapter:
the giver tells him about the receiver before Jonas, her name was rosemary and that the giver loved her; she had been asked for release, at this time there wasn't a rule against this; he tell Jonas that if he would have an accident, all of Jonas´ memories would directly be transmitted to all citizen of the community; the giver says if Jonas would die he could help all of the community to deal with the new memories;
19. Chapter:
today one of the twins will be released, the giver tells Jonas that he can watch his father at the releasing of the newchild; Jonas wants to see it, its kept on a video tape; his father gives the smaller one a syringe (Spritze) and the little guy sleeps (died); Jonas cant understand why his father is doing such things;
20. Chapter:
Jonas won't go home after this shock; he can sleep by the giver this night; the giver tells him that every release happens this way and that Fiona also does this job; they all thing its normal because they haven't this feelings; the giver says that long time ago all people had feelings which includes love but also pain; they think about that if Jonas would escape from the community, everyone would have all feelings, because then they would be free for all; they decide to do that; the giver will stay and help the citizen of the community to handle with that; the giver wants to give him the memory of music but Jonas doesn't take it; in some days (one day before the December ceremony starts) he would put a note on his bed that he comes back when the ceremony starts, so his parents will think he is at the giver; he thinks at midday after his escape, the memories will be released;
21. Chapter:
Back home they have dinner and father says that Gabriel will be released tomorrow because he is crying all night; he decides to take Gabriel with him; at night he rides away with his bike and Gabriel; when the morning comes he is far away from his own community and wants to sleep a little bit in a hidden place; after a while they were searching with planes for him but didn't find him;
22. Chapter:
he rides further and further; but they were hungry and thirsty; after a while he sees his first bird; there were no more agriculture fields but hills and many trees; he was starving now; he asks himself whether his decision was right to leave the community; to make Gabriel stop crying he starts to transmit some of the good memories to him
23. Chapter:
he sees snow; its very difficult for him with no food and nothing to drink to go on; he walks up now one last hill and start to go crazy (verrückt werden); after reaching the top of the hill, he sees lights in all colours like in the memory of Christmas; and at the end he hears people singing and music;
it is not said whether the end is a dream or real
F*cking end
Ok, das wars, Schrottbuch.
Jonas Jonas ist die Hauptperson und der Sympathieträger des Buches. Er ist ein sehr guter Schüler, der fast nie gegen die Regeln verstoßen hat. Als er zwölf ist, wird er zum neuen Hüter der Erinnerungen auserwählt. Im Lauf seiner Ausbildung durchschaut er allmählich das System der Gemeinschaft, was ihn zunehmend von seinen alten Freunden unterscheidet und trennt. Er lernt Verantwortung zu übernehmen, vor allem für den Säugling Gabriel. |
Vater Jonas` Vater arbeitet als engagierter Säuglingspfleger. Er ist gütig, zärtlich und wird äußerst liebenswürdig dargestellt. Jedoch ist er auch für die Freigabe (Tötung) eines Zwillings verantwortlich. Weil er damit ziemlich leichtfertig und gleichgültig umgeht ändert sich die Einstellung des Lesers dem Vater gegenüber. |
Mutter Jonas` Mutter genießt als pflichtbewusste Richterin hohes Ansehen in der Gemeinschaft. Ihre Familie und andere Menschen gegenüber wirkt sie zärtlich, liebevoll und beruhigend. Sie kümmert sich gut um ihre Familie wobei sich ihre Fürsorge auf die anderen Familienmitglieder überträgt. |
Gabriel Gabriel, der Pflegesäugling von Jonas` Familie mit denselben hellen Augen wie Jonas, ist ein aufgewecktes Baby. Er soll freigegeben ( das heißt getötet, werden ), da er wegen seinen Schlafproblemen, die eigentlich für sein Alter ganz normal sind, noch nicht die Erwartungen der Gemeinschaft erfüllt. Wegen seines unruhigen Schlafes überträgt ihm Jonas schöne Erinnerungen und nimmt ihn schließlich mit auf seiner Flucht vor der Gemeinschaft, um ihn zu retten. |
Fiona Die rothaarige Fiona ist Jonas' beste Freundin. Durch ihre Nächstenliebe zu den Leuten im Altersheim wirkt sie sehr sympathisch und pflichtbewusst auf den Leser. Jonas träumt öfters von ihr. Nachdem Jonas die Ausbildung zum Hüter der Erinnerungen beginnt, verändert sich ihr Verhältnis, da sie als zukünftige Pflegerin alter Menschen für deren Tötung zuständig sein wird. |
Larissa Larissa, die wie alle alten Leute im Altenzentrum lebt und dort sehr gut versorgt wird, ist eine zufriedene alte Frau. Der Leser hat zuerst einen positiven Eindruck vom Altern in der Gemeinschaft, doch in dem Gespräch zwischen Jonas und Larissa erfährt man, dass alle alten Personen, die für die Gemeinschaft nichts mehr beitragen können, einfach freigegeben (getötet ) werden. |
Lily Lily ist Jonas` achtjährige Schwester. Sie ist ein aufgewecktes, spontanes Mädchen, das sehr sympathisch auf den Leser wirkt. Sie hält sich (noch) nicht an alle Regeln, aber ihre gefühllose Reaktion auf Gabriels geplante Freigabe zeigt, dass sie auch schon typisch für die Gemeinschaft ist. |
Giver Der Hüter ist ein sehr sympathischer und freundlicher alter Mann. Er ist sehr angesehen, denn er bewahrt die ganzen Erinnerungen und Gefühle aller auf, was die Gemeinschaft enorm entlastet, für ihn aber eine große Bürde ist. Er übergibt Jonas, was er gespeichert hat. Sehr schmerzhaft für den Hüter war, als er mit ansehen musste, wie seine Tochter Rosemary freigegeben wurde. Er möchte Jonas unter anderem deshalb bei seiner Flucht helfen. |
Asher Asher, der beste Freund von Jonas ist ein aufgeweckter netter Junge, der aufgrund seiner Natürlichkeit sehr sympathisch auf den Leser wirkt. Als Kind hatte er wegen seiner Sprachprobleme Schwierigkeiten, wird aber nach der Ernennung zum zukünftigen Direktor von Spiel und Sport pflichtbewusster. |
Rosemary Rosemary ist die Tochter des Hüters. Sie wurde auserwählt um die Nachfolge des Hüters anzutreten, doch schon nach fünf Wochen konnte sie den seelischen Schmerz dieses Berufes nicht mehr aushalten, obwohl sie eigentlich sehr selbstbewusst, ausgeglichen, intelligent und lernbegierig war (vgl. Hüter, S. 161), und stellte den Antrag auf Freigabe, der ihr auch genehmigt wurde. |
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