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World Trade Center:
Built from 1970-1972
Destriod of terrorists on the 11.September 2001
Over 1,2 million cubic meter of earth were dug and cleared away, to create space for building the World Trade Center. He duggedwas put into the Hudson River , to create 23.5 acres (95.102 qm) new country the today's Battery park.
In the construction period from 1970-1973 over 200.000 tons of steel were used for the WTC t - this is much more as the mass of steel that is used for the construction of the New Yorker Verrazano Bridge (4.260 ft == 1.298 m).She's connecting Staten Island with Brooklyn and the longest suspension bridge of the city is.
The 327,000 used cubic
meter concrete would have been sufficient in order to build a 1.50 meter spread footpath from
NYC to Washington DC.
During the construction
up to 3.500 workers were simultaneous on the building site.
The twin Towers had
altogether 43.600 windows with more than 55,000 square meter glass.
The Skylobby elevator
system had 239 elevators and 71 escalators (twin Towers inclusive pertinent
The express of elevators
could seize up to 55 persons and drove with a rate up to 27 ft/pro second (approx.
8 m/sec).
Up to 50.000 humans operated
on a normal day in the Towers - up to 150.000 humans inclusive the visitors
could have been on an individual day in the building.
NORTH TOWER built: 1970 height: 417 m, 110 floors, size of the floors:
45,000-50,000 sf (4,180-4,645 square meter) elevators: 97 passenger hoists, 6
freight elevators
SOUTH TOWER built: 1972 height: 415m 110 floors size of the floors) of 45,000 -
50,000 sf (4,180-4,645 square meter) elevators: 97 passenger hoists, 6 freight
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