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Climate: Highly varied.
Mountain ranges included: e.g.: West Rockies; highest mountain: Mount
Logan, 5951 metres,
Principal lakes included: e.g.:
Principal rivers included: e.g.: St. Lawrence ( 3864 kilometres long
carries deep-shipping from the Atlantic Ocean to the head of the
System of governement:
National emblem. The meaple leaf.
Currency: The Canadian dollar
Population: 25 million
Native peoples: 491.460- includes Inuit, Indian and Mètis.
Religion: Roman Catholic and Protestant
Official languages: English and French
Mother tongue: English 14.9 million; French 6.2 million; other 3.1 million
Ethnic origin: British and Irish 44.6 per cent; French 28.7 per cent; other European 23 per cent; Asiatic 1.3 per cent
Culture: Canadian society is composed of many races and is considered to be multicultured.
Education: Eight years primary; four to five years secondary and three to four years of high education.
Sports: e.g.: ice hockey
Natural resources include: natural gas, crude oil, coal, gold, iron ore, silver, molybdenum, uranium, zinc, for water
Principal industries include:Petroleum refining, motor vehicle production, pulp and paper milling, meat processing, iron and steel milling, machinery and eequipment manufacturing
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