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Nineteen Eighty - Four
The Story starts, as
the title tells us, in the year of 1984, and it takes place in
1.The Inner Party Members (app. 1% of the population)
2.The Outer Party Members (app. 18% of the population)
3.The Proles (the rest of the people)
The narrator of the book is 'Third Person
Limited'. The protagonist is Winston Smith, a member of the OuterParty, working
in the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth, rewriting and altering
records, such as newspaper-articles, of the past. The action starts when
Winston develops critic thoughts against the ruling dictatorship of the party,
for the first time. Doing so he buys himself a book, a rare
thing these days, to use it as a diary. Having a diary was a crime,
which could even be punished with death. There were so-called telescreens in
each room, showing political propaganda. It had a built in camera and
microphone, in order to spy on the people. Therefore keeping a secret book was
not only forbidden, but also very dangerous. When Winston makes the first entry
in the diary, he thinks about an experience he has made during the Two Minutes
Hate, a propaganda film that was repeated each day. During this Film he caught
the eye of O'Brien, a member of the Inner Party, of whom he thought that he
might also stand critic to the regime, or that at least there is a bond of some
kind between them. After the reflection, he finds that he has written the
sentence: "Down with Big Brother' all over the page. In the same night
Winston dreams about, his mother and sister, who had starved to death in the
war because he had been so greedy. Then he dreams of having sex with a girl he
has seen in the Records Department, during the Two Minute Hate. Early in the
morning Winston is woken up by the harsh voice from the telescreen. During the
performance of the exercises, Winston's thoughts move back to his childhood.
The last thing he remembers clearly is the World War. After the WW the party
has taken control of the country, and from then on it was difficult to remember
anything, because the party changed the history permanently to their own
benefit. After the exercises Winston goes to work, to the Minitrue (Ministry of
Truth), where his job is to alter records, and once altered, to throw them into
the Memory Hole where they are burnt. For example B.B. (Big Brother) has promised
that there will be no reduction of the chocolate ration, but there has been
one, so Winston has to rewrite an old article, where the speech of B.B. is
written down. At dinner Winston Smith meets Syme, a philologist, who is working
on the 11 th edition of The Newspeak Dictionary, Syme
explains the main character of their work on this dictionary. During their
conversation the telescreen announces that the chocolate ration has been raised
to 20 g a week, whereas yesterday it was cut down to 20 g a week. Winston
wonders whether he's the only person with memory, that isn't inflicted by
Doublethink. As he looks around in the dining room he catches the eye of the
dark-haired girl he had dreamed the same night. Back home again he makes an
entry into his diary about his meeting with a prostitute three years ago. He
remembers her ugliness, but nevertheless he had sex with her. Winston had a
wife, but she was very stupid and just following the orders of the Party, which
said that there may only be Sex to produce children, 'new material'
for the Party, and that sex for the personal pleasure is a crime. Then Winston
thinks about the Party, and believes that the only hope lies in the Proles who
pose over 80% of Oceanias population. Later he remembers another fact of his
past, Jones, Aaronson and Rutherford, the last three survivors of the original
leaders of the Revolution. They were arrested in 1965, and confessed all kind
of sabotage. On trial, they were pardoned and reinstated but not long after
this, they were arrested again, and executed. During the brief period Winston
has seen them in the Chestnut Tree Cafe. In the same year a half page torn out
of The Times came to Winston trough the transport tube in the Minitrue. This
page of The Times showed the three men in Eastasia on a certain day. But
Winston remembered clearly that they have confessed being in Eurasia on that
day (At this time Eurasia was at war with
1: War is important for consuming the products of human labour, if this work would be used to increase the standard of living, the control of the party over the people would decrease. War is the economical basis for a hierarchical society.
2: There is an emotional need to believe in
the ultimate victory of Big Brother.
3: In becoming continuous, war has stopped
to exist. The continuity of the war guarantees the permanence of the current
order. In other words 'War is Peace'.
4: There have always been three main grades
of society; the High, the Middle and the Low, and no change has brought human
equality a millimetre nearer.
5: Collectivism doesn't lead to socialism. In the event the wealth now belongs to the new 'high-class', the bureaucrats and administrators. Collectivism has ensured the permanence of economic inequality.
6: Wealth is not inherited from person to
person, but it is kept within the ruling group.
7: The masses (proles) are given freedom of
thought, because they don't think! A Party member is not allowed the slightest
deviation of thought, and there is an elaborate mental training to ensure this,
a training that can be summarised in the concept of doublethink.
So far the book analyses how the Party
works. It has not yet attempted to deal with why the Party has arisen. Before
continuing with the next chapter Winston turns to Julia, and finds her asleep.
He also falls asleep. The next morning when he awakes the sun is shining, and
down in the yard a prole women is singing and working. Winston is again filled
with the conviction that the future lies with the proles, that they will
overthrow the greyness of the Party. But suddenly reality crashes in. 'We
are the DEAD', he says to Julia. An iron voice behind them repeats the
phrase, the picture on the wall falls to bits to reveal a telescreen behind it.
Uniformed man thunder into the room and they carry Winston and Julia out.
Winston is in a cell in what he presumes is the Ministry of Love. He is sick
with hunger and fear, and when he makes a move or a sound, a harsh voice will
bawl at him from the four telescreens. A prisoner who is dying of starvation is
brought in, his face is skull-like. Later the man is
brought to 'Room 101' after screaming and struggling, and even
offering his children's sacrifices in his stead. O'Brien enters. Winston thinks
that they must have got him too, but O'Brien says that they got him long time
ago. A guard hits Winston, and he becomes unconscious. When he wakes up he is
tied down to a kind of bed. O'Brien stands beside the bed, and Winston feels
that O'Brien, who is the torturer, is also somehow a friend. The aim of O'Brien
is to teach Winston the technique of Doublethink, and he does it by inflicting
pain in ever-increasing intensity. He reminds Winston that he wrote the
sentence:' Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two makes
four'. O'Brien holds up four fingers of his left hand, and he asks Winston
how many there are. Winston answers four a couple of times, and each time the
pain increases (this is not done to make Winston lie,
but to make him really see five fingers instead of four). At the end of the
session, under heavy influence of drugs and agony, Winston really seas five
fingers. Now Winston is ready to enter the second stage of his integration (1. Learning, 2. Understanding, 3. Acceptance). O'Brien now explains why the Party works. The
image he gives of the future is that of a boot stamping on a human face -
forever. Winston protests, because he thinks that there is something in the
human nature that will not allow this, he calls it 'The Spirit of
Man'. O'Brien points out that Winston is the last humanist,
he is the last guardian of the human spirit. Then O'Brien gets Winston to look
at himself in the mirror, Winston is horrified what he sees. The unknown time
of torture has changed him into a shapeless and battered wreck. This is what
the last humanist looks like. The only degradation that Winston has not been
trough is that he has not betrayed Julia. He has said anything under torture,
but inside he has remained true to her. Winston is much better now. For some
time he has not been beaten and tortured, he has been fed quite well and allowed
to wash. Winston realises that he now accepts all the lies of the Party, that
for example
George Orwell wrote this book in the years
1946 to 1949, just after the Second World War. In '1984' he describes
a Communist system, but it could also be Fascist one - it is a general
description of a totalitarian system. Because of that, many parallels to other
systems, especially to Nazi-Germany, can be seen: one leader who is mystified ;
the Inner Party members, who have a lot of privileges ; the Thought Police -
the GESTAPO ; the telescreen - the Volksempfänger ; the Spies - the HJ or BDM ;
and many more. A very interesting fact is also the existence of one enemy who
is blamed for everything. Orwell chose the name Goldstein for his enemy, which
is a Jewish name because of the fact that Jews were "the" enemy in Nazi-Germany
and they were also prosecuted in Communist -
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