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During the current era of economic restructuring, the family itself came under great pressure. Because of the fact that in industrialised countries a steady social and economic change is happening, a lot of married people get divorced because they have too little time for each other. Parents have to work away from home and so the children are overseen very less. This causes a dramatic drug and crime increase between teenagers. In the earlier days the families were very small because people died sooner. At the beginning of this century the extended family became more likely because the life expectancy increased. Nevertheless by the 1950´s there were only just nuclear families any more. Nowadays the family itself is taking a new form.
There are also wide
geographical and cultural variations and differences between families in urban
or rural areas. It wouldn't make much sense to talk in general terms about THE
European, Indian, or African family. Furthermore the family is not the same as
the household. Members may be spread across several households. In
It is a fact that single parents are generally women
in these OECD countries and what seems to be very strange is that since if
there is a male over 15 years in the household of a single mother, he overtakes
the status as head of the household even if the woman is the mayor breadwinner.
I think that sexism like that should be abolished very soon. Nevertheless
female-headed households are nothing new. In
A fact is that women do most of the work in the family: Taking care of the children, running the household and if they are single-parents or if their husband earns too little to support the family, women has to work as well. But in the working sector they are discriminated because they get paid less than men despite of doing the same job, what is bad for men, too, because a lot of companies sack "expensive", full-time working men to employ "cheaper" half-time working women. In developing countries the jobs of women within the family are the same but instead of going to earn money away from home in a factory, for example, they have to support the family in another way: They have to do the gardening to plant the own food. Daughters must help their mothers by doing domestic work at the expense of their education.
Welfare dependency
Another strange thing is that some politicians blames the women who run a female-headed household for being the head of a "dysfunctional" family which causes the crime rise between bad overseen children and whose welfare money should be curbed. Those politicians don't see that lots of women who are dependent on welfare money are very seldom lazy, most of them are trying to fin a job. A solution of the problem of welfare dependency would be a greater investment in education.
It's not only the women who have come under great
pressure, it's then children, too. While there was a remarkable progress for
children in growth rates, health or education by the period between 1950 and
1975, it's now going into reverse. In industrialised countries where both
parents have to work and are not able to keep the children under surveillance
all day the countries face a study rise in school drop-out rates, physical and
sexual abuse of children and rises in teenage violence and suicide, as well. In
Concluding the crises around the family, a consequence of the too fast changing circumstances, shouldn't cause misunderstanding why so many families break dawn, it should cause amazement why so many of them still stay together.
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