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Canada History The first inhabitants of Canada came from Asia about 30000 years ago, across the Bering Strait to Alaska . Some were nomads and other led more settled lives . The Vikings were the first Europeans to arrive . In about AD 1000 ...
CANADA History Canada’s first inhabitants arrived 30 . 000 years ago . The first Europeans were Nordsmen, or Vikings, from Scandinavia . In 1497, an Englishman, John Cabot, set out to try to reach the Far East, and, instead, lande ...
Canada big picture Contents list 1) Land and Climate 2) Wildlife 3) Canada´s history 4) Cities 5) Home life 6) Sport and leisure 7) Government ...
Canada Basic Information Canada is the world’s second largest country after Russia by covering the northern two-fifths of  Northern America . The capital of this country, which stretches 4 . 600 km from north to south and 5 . 380 km from e ...
CANADA Natives in Canada In thwe 1986 census, some 700 . 00 Canadians claimed to be of aboriginal origin . The majority of the Canadian „first peoples“ live in the North-West-Territories . Some bands have their own schools with their ...
CANADA 1 . Nature and geografic of Canada 2 . History 3 . Cities: Ottawa -Montreal -Calgary 4 . Economy 1 . Nature and geographie notes of Canada In the nature history Canada was influenced of the ice-time . There are five several kinds ...
CANADA In many ways Canada is an impossible country . You can’t talk about Canada without mentioning 2 different factors: the country’s immense land mass and the climate . Living in a such sparsely  populated country gives the Canadians a sen ...
CANADA Population 34 % of the people who live in Canada are of British or part - British origins . -- 28 % - French or part - French origins; In Quebec: 78 per cent are French - speaking Canadians; other mostly - French territor ...
CANADA ·     Population -- 34 % of the people who live in Canada are of British or part - British origins . -- 28 % - French or part - French origins; In Quebec: 78 per cent are French - speaking Canadians; other mo ...
Canada Capital city Ottawa in the province of Ontario Inhabitants 27,367 millions Territory Canada is the 2nd largest country with more than 9,9 million km² . Seven percent of the world's area and nine percent of the ...
Canada   Capital city Ottawa Inhabitants 27,367 millions Territory Canada is the 2nd largest country with more than 9,9 million km² . Seven percent of the world's area and nine percent of the world's fresh water prov ...
CANADA One thing to remember is the big size of Canada . Although it´s the second largest country in the world the population is only about 25 . 000 . 000 inhabitants . But the population isn´t equally distributed over the vast country . Most people l ...
English Main Topic Canadian Short Stories An Overview of Canadian History Around the year 1000 Vikings landed on the eastern coast of Canada, nearly five hundred years befor ...
CANNABIS HISTORY The earliest record of cannabis use is from a compendium of medicines which was compiled for the Chinese emperor Shen Nung in about 2727 BC . Although it grows in many parts of the world and so has a long history of use in man ...
CANNABIS HISTORY The earliest record of cannabis use is from a compendium of medicines which was compiled for the Chinese emperor Shen Nung in about 2727 BC . Although it grows in many parts of the world and so has a long history of use in man ...
CANNABIS HISTORY The earliest record of cannabis use is from a compendium of medicines which was compiled for the Chinese emperor Shen Nung in about 2727 BC . Although it grows in many parts of the world and so has a long history of use in man ...
CANNERY ROW SYNOPSIS Cannery Row tells the story of the people, who live in Cannery Row, Monterey, California . Only a couple of houses stand in Cannery Row in the Californian fishing Village Monterey: the  Western  Biological  Labou ...
Cannery Row Synopsis Cannery Row tells the story of the people, who live in Cannery Row, Monterey, California . Only a couple of houses stand in Cannery Row in the Californian fishing Village Monterey: the Western Biological Labour, w ...
Cannery Row by John Steinbeck Author John Steinbeck was born 1902 in Salinas, California . He is a descendant of old settlers . California itself - 'El Dorado,' the Golden Country-has occupied a central po ...
Cannery Row by John Steinbeck Book report Author John Steinbeck was born 1902 in Salinas, California . He is a descendant of old settlers . California itself - 'El Dorado,' the Golden Country-has oc ...

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