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Cannery Row by john Steinbeck The Autor John Steinbeck is born in 1902 in Salinas, California . He went to university, left six years later without taking a degree . Then he went to New York as a journalist . In this time, 1929, his fi ...
  CAPIT A L   PUNISHM E NT victim ↔victimizer     Opfer      Täter victimizer: a person who exerts violence on the victim capital crimes: to be accused of murder man ...
CAPITAL  PUNISHMENT  IN  THE  UNITED  STATES Today I’m gonna tell you something about capital punishment in the United States . This issue is very controversial around the world because on the one hand people say nobody is al ...
Cars Introduction I want to talk about cars . I have divided my report in three parts . The History of automobiles, the different types of cars and drivers and finally the problems and dangers of cars in our world . The History of au ...
Cars Introduction I want to talk about cars . I have divided my report in three parts . The History of automobiles, the different types of cars and drivers and finally the problems and dangers of cars in our world . The History of au ...
Cars Introduction I want to talk about cars . I have divided my report in three parts . The History of automobiles, the different types of cars and drivers and finally the problems and dangers of cars in our world . The History of au ...
Catherine  - A true story    Written by Maureen Dunbar                  1) Main Characters: Catherine Dunbar: Catheri ...
Changing Places   Author: David Lodge was born in London in 1935 and took his BA and MA degree at University College, London in 1955 and 1959 . He holds a doctorate from the University of Birmingham, where he taught in the En ...
Chaos Theory Dialectical materialism, elaborated by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, was concerned with much more than political economy: it was a world view . Nature, as Engels in particular sought to demon- strate in his writings, is proo ...
Characterization of Ben Ross   Ben Ross is one of the main characters in “The Wave” . “The Wave” is his experiment which he started . Until it has to end . He is a teacher at Gordon High School . He always tries to teach his lessons ...
Characterization of Laurie Saunders     Laurie is also a main character of “The Wave” . She is a student at Gordon High School . And she is the editor-in-chief of “The Grapevine” . She is a pretty girl with short light-brown hai ...
A tale of two cities The author tells us about a time, when england and france were ruled by kings . The reason for the revolutoin in france was, that the aristocrats lived on the back of the poor people . There was not enough food and the ...
CHARLES DICKENS: David Copperfield & Oliver Twist THE PLOTS David Copperfield . Six months before David Copperfield’s birth, his father died . His aunt, Betsey Trotwood, arrives in Blunderstone on the night he is born . She leaves ...
CHARLES DICKENS: David Copperfield & Oliver Twist THE PLOTS David Copperfield . Six months before David Copperfield’s birth, his father died . His aunt, Betsey Trotwood, arrives in Blunderstone on the night he is born . She leav ...
Charles Dickens: Hard Times In the industrial city of Coketown, a place dominated by grim factories and oppressed by coils of black smoke, the dark-eyed, rigid man Thomas Gradgrind has established a school . He has hired the teacher Mr MacC ...
Charles Dickens: Hard Times In the industrial city of Coketown, a place dominated by grim factories and oppressed by coils of black smoke, the dark-eyed, rigid man Thomas Gradgrind has established a school . He has hired the teacher Mr MacC ...
Charles Dickens: „Great Expectations“ „Great Expectations“ describes the life of Philip Perrip, called Pip . It is told by Pip himself (first-person narrator) . The story is of danger, exitement and adventure, but also describes re ...
Charles Dickens: „Great Expectations“ „Great Expectations“ describes the life of Philip Perrip, called Pip . It is told by Pip himself (first-person narrator) . The story is of danger, exitement and adventure, but also describ ...
Charles Grant, The X-Files – Whirlwind This book by Charles Grant is the second one of the “X-Files stories” . Once again the two special agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully investigate mysterious cases beyond imagination . This time the sto ...
Charles Grant, The X-Files – Whirlwind This book by Charles Grant is the second one of the “X-Files stories” . Once again the two special agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully investigate mysterious cases beyond imagination . This time the story tak ...

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