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A short analysis  of th e film  “A meric an Beauty”  with  emphasis on the final scene and with regard to the conceptual presentation of the American Dream In the following essay I would like, at the beginning, to give ...
A STAR CALLED HENRY – Roddy Doyle This novel was written by Roddy Doyle, who was born in 1958, and first published in 1999 . It enables the reader to get a clear impression of the lives of families in and around Dublin – actually all over I ...
A Street with No Name Last summer, I wrote about some of the pleasures and peculiarities about living in the country . What I hadn't come to appreciate at the time was the frustration that would come from living on a street that has no name . At ...
A Street with No Name Last summer, I wrote about some of the pleasures and peculiarities about living in the country . What I hadn't come to appreciate at the time was the frustration that would come from living on a street that has no name . At ...
A Summary of “BRAVE NEW WORLD” In BNW we are confronted with a fictitious society in future London in the year 632 after Ford . ”Community, Identity, Stability” is the motto of the World State . Community means standardised citizens, all divi ...
A TIME TO KILL by John GRISHAM Author: John Grisham was born in 1955 and became a lawyer after he graduated from college . He was also involved in politic and now lives in Virginia with his wife and 2 children . He has sold over ...
A TIME TO KILL by John GRISHAM Author: John Grisham was born in 1955 and became a lawyer after he graduated from college . He was also involved in politic and now lives in Virginia with his wife and 2 children . He has sold over 55 m ...
A TOWN LIKE ALICE by Nevil Shute Author Nevil Shute is the pseudonym of the British novelist N . S . Norway . He was born in England in 1899 and died in Australia in 1960 . Other novels:      No Highway In the ...
A Town Like Alice by Nevil Shute Author Nevil Shute is the pseudonym of the British novelist N . S . Norway . He was born in England in 1899 and died in Australia in 1960 . Other novels:  No Highway       ...
A Tribut to Kurt Cobain It is three years ago, since the „Godfather of Grunge“ killed himself in his luxury house in Seattle . At that time his suicide dropped many Kids into deepest sadness . But who was Kurt Cobain, the man,who couldn’t jus ...
A Tribut to Kurt Cobain It is three years ago, since the „Godfather  of Grunge“  killed himself in his luxury house in Seattle . At that time his suicide dropped many Kids into deepest sadness . But who was Kurt Cobain, the man,who couldn’ ...
TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1 . A TYPICAL HOOLIGAN? 2 . HISTORY OF FOOTBALL VIOLENCE 2 . 1 Medieval Origins 2 . 2 Export of the new game 2 . 3 The time betwe ...
1 . A TYPICAL HOOLIGAN? I am doing my special interest topic on Hooligans because it is very interesting for me to find out something about this group of people . If people talk about Hooligans a picture of a violent, male person with shaved ...
CLIMATE CHANGE A WORLD PROBLEM Global warming is the theory that the gases CO2, methane, water vapour and ozone are collecting in the Earth’s atmosphere and are heating the planet . This effect, which is mostly caused by the relation of C ...
ABARRON'S BOOK NOTES ERICH MARIA REMARQUE'S ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT ^^^^^^^^^^ERICH MARIA REMARQUE: THE AUTHOR AND HIS TIMES Born Erich Paul Remark on June 22, 1898, he grew up in a Roman Catholic family in Osnabruck in the ...
ABARRON'S BOOK NOTES ERICH MARIA REMARQUE'S ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT ^^^^^^^^^^ERICH MARIA REMARQUE: THE AUTHOR AND HIS TIMES Born Erich Paul Remark on June 22, 1898, he grew up in a Roman Catholic family in Osnabruck in the ...
Aborigines Aborigine history pre 1788 The Aboriginal people lived in Australia for about 50 000 years . Before 1788, when the whites came to Australia, Aborigines lived near rivers and the coast, especially in the south of Western Austral ...
ABORIGINES When the white people first came to Australia, about 300 . 000 Australian Aborigines were living there, in about 600 different groups or tribes . They came to Australia 100 . 000 years ago, at that time the land w ...
Aborigines       1) Definition   1 . 1 . The Term   The word “aboriginal” means “the first” or “earliest known” . And it is really believed, that Australia could be the home of the world’s first people - ...
About a Boy Nick Hornby 1 .       Author: Nick Hornby was born in 1957 and worked as a teacher before becoming a full-time writer . His first book “Fever Pitch” enjoyed great critical success, it was publish ...

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