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An Inspector Calls J . B Priestley The Author: J . B . Priestley was born in 1894 in Bradford as son of a schoolmaster . He went to university in Cambridge . Priestley has been writing essays, criticism, novels and plays . He worked as a ...
Analysis of the Community in “The Giver“, combined with a characterization of Jonas and, referring to both parts, the reasons why he was selected to be the Receiver of Memory . According to Part I, chapters 1-8 I . Analysis of the Commu ...
And Then There Were None Author: This touching Crime Story was written by Agatha Christie, also known as the queen of crime . She was born in Torquay, Devon in 1890 and became the probably best-selling novelist in history . Her first novel, ...
And Then There Were None Author: This touching Crime Story was written by Agatha Christie, also known as the queen of crime . She was born in Torquay, Devon in 1890 and became the probably best-selling novelist in history . Her first novel ...
Andrew Lloyd Webber ·  Vorwort ·  Die Familie von Andrew Lloyd Webber ·  Die frühen Tage von Andrew Lloyd Webber ·  Seine Karriere ·  Seine erfolgreichst ...
Angels Watehing Over Me     Lurlene McDaniel The author: The popular novelist and freelance writer, Lurlene McDaniel, was born on April 5th, 1944 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania . She has written over fourty novels about kids and teens wh ...
Angels Watehing Over Me    Lurlene McDaniel The author: The popular novelist and freelance writer, Lurlene McDaniel, was born on April 5th, 1944 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania . She has written over fourty novels about kids and teens who ...
George Orwell, who's real name was Eric Blair, was born in 1903 in Motihari, India and educated in England . 1922 he joined the Indian Imperial Police in Burma but he returned to England five years later to become a writer . In 1933 he wrote his fir ...
Animal Farm George Orwell 1903 - 1950 George Orwell, whose real name was Erich Blair, was born in India in 1903, and was educated at Eton . From 1922 to 1928 he served in Bruma as a member of the Indian Imperial P ...
Animal Farm George Orwell, who's real name was Eric Blair, was born in 1903 in Motihari, India and educated in England . 1922 he joined the Indian Imperial Police in Burma but he returned to England five years later to become a writer . In 19 ...
Animal Farm About the author:   George Orwell, whose real name was Eric Arthur Blair, was born on June 26th, 1903, in India . During his life he worked in lots of different professions . Most of them referred to writing or re- porting . His ...
Plot: The book is about a Farm where the animals make a revolution and chase away the farmowner with his family . For a while everything works great and everybody is happy . But on and on the pigs, who make the organization part on the farm, ge ...
Plot: The book is about a Farm where the animals make a revolution and chase away the farmowner with his family . For a while everything works great and everybody is happy . But on and on the pigs, who make the organization part on the farm, get mor ...
Animal Farm George Orwell was born i 903 and died in 1950 . His books were always pointing at important political themes of real importance . Mr . Jones is the owner of the Manor farm and most of the time he is drunk . One day old Major ...
Animal Farm George Orwell was born i 903 and died in 1950 . His books were always pointing at important political themes of real importance . Mr . Jones is the owner of the Manor farm and most of the time he is drunk . One ...
Animal Farm 'George Orwell' Plot: The book is about a Farm where the animals make a revolution and chase away the farmowner with his family . For a while everything works great and everybody is happy . But on and on th ...
Animal Farm About the author:  George Orwell, whose real name was Eric Arthur Blair, was born on June 26th, 1903, in India . During his life he worked in lots of different professions . Most of them referred to writing or reporting . His first ...
Animal Farm About the author:   George Orwell, whose real name was Eric Arthur Blair, was born on June 26th, 1903, in India . During his life he worked in lots of different professions . Most of them referred to writing or re- porting . His ...
Animal Farm The Author of the book is George Orwell, whose real name is Eric Blair . He changed his old name into George because he sure about that George is a traditional English name and Orwell because that’s the name of a small river nea ...
Animal Farm George Orwell wrote this book . He was born on 23th January 1903 in India . He was an officer, worked as a teacher and later he wrote for The Observer . He was in the Spanish Civil War . Animal farm brought Orwell world-wide fame . ...

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