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Referat Religion in Britain

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englisch referate

Religion in Britain

Church of England (Anglican Church):

-     History: Founded in 4 by Henry VIII; "Act of Supremacy"

27 million members

2 branches: - Anglo-Catholics (High Church)

- Evangelicals (Low Church)

2 provinces: Canterbury and York

-     Structure of administration: 2 heads , the secular (the sovereign) and the religious one (Archbishop of Canterbury); furthermore the General Synod as the central governing body

Relationship of Church and State: Based on mutual obligation and control

Church of Scotland ("Kirk"):

-     History: Presbyterian church; founded in 9 by John Knox in the Protestant Reformation and established as the national Church of Scotland in 1 07 in the "Treaty of Union"

1 million members

-     Structure of administration: No episcopal, but democratic government by elders; each year election of the Moderator

-     Northern Ireland Conflict

Free Churches (Dissenters/Nonconformists):

-     History: - Protestant churches; deriving from the Puritans which came up in the th century

th and 17th century: Persecution of Puritans; emigration to America Mayflower)

: Winners of the Civil War ) under Oliver Cromwell

: Abolition of monarchy

166 673: Anti-Puritan legislation

: Equal rights for Puritans

7 million members

-     Bible as sole authority

-     Structure of administration: No church hierarchy, but democratic church organization with equal status of ministers and laymen, of men and women

-     Achievement of Puritanism in Britain: Social legislation in the th century (e.g. end of child labour)

Roman Catholics:

History: - 6 4: England submitted to papal domination

th and 17th century: Persecution of Roman-Catholics

: Reintroduction of Roman-Catholics (Oxford Movement)

6 million members

-     Structure of administration: British head: Archbishop of Westminster

Non-Christian Religious Communities:

Resulting from a great immigration from Asian and African countries since the 1 50s

1,5 million Muslims

0 Jews

-     About 0 Sikhs and Hindus each

Current Religious Issues:

-     Decline in membership

Ordination of women

-     Relationship between Church and State


attendance: Anwesenheit

austere: einfach, wenig anspruchsvoll child labour: Kinderarbeit

clergy: Klerus

confession of faith: Glaubensbekenntnis creed: Glaube, Überzeugung

diocese: Diözese

dissent: abweichend, andersgläubig domination: (Vor-)Herrschaft

elders: Altere, hier: Vorsitzende episcopal: biscflich

layman: Kirchenangehöriger, der nicht zum Klerus gehört mutual: gegenseitig

papal: päpstlich parish: Gemeinde secular: weltlich sovereign: Oberhaupt

struggle: Kampf, Auseinandersetzung supremacy: Überlegenheit

synod: Zusammenkunft, Versammlung worship: Gebet

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