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Referat Dresden

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This report gives you a historical overview of Dresden and some information about the sights in Dresden. Based upon the following chronicle I gave a presentation about Dresden to the staff of the Bury Partnership. The listing is not quite complete - only the important dates are mentioned.


first documentary mention of Dresden, the name came from the name Drezdany (area on the left hand side from the river Elbe), on the right hand side the name Nisan or Nisani was expected, this name appeared at first 1013

first documentary mention of Dresden as a town

first documentary mention of a stony bridge

first mention of the town-wall

oldest town-signet

'Altdresden' (on the right hand side from the river Elbe) got the town-law

Dresden was residence-town of 'albertinische Wettiner'

big town fire --> new building-law (stone houses in the corners)

Dresden was the single mint in Saxony

Dresden got the a coat of arms

laying out the big garden (Großer Garten)

'August der Starke' it's meant 'August the strong' came into power

August the strong got the Polish crown,

Dresden got the status of an European capital

August the Strong gave order to make gold in 1709. J. F.

Böttger said, 'I can produce it.' That´s why August the strong invited Böttger to show it. But August the strong perceived that´s was only a trick.

For this reason Böttger was arrested in the fortress Königstein. Böttger tried to produced gold and he had success. But he developed not the right gold he developed the white gold. It called porcelain.

Dresden on the right hand side from the river Elbe (Altdresden)

was the new king-town --> today 'Neustadt'

peace of Hubertusburg,

--> lost the Polish crown and the Saxony super power was finished

Friedrich August 2. and count of Brühl are death

kingdom of Saxony of for favour of Napoleon

cession of same territories to 'Preussen' for the 'Wiener Congress':

first trade on the river Elbe from Dresden to Hamburg

the rail-line Dresden -Leipzig was opened

the zoo in Dresden was installed

main station 'Hauptbahnhof' with reception-hall was built

Dresden became the capital of Saxony

13th/14th of February, extensive destruction of Dresden through Anglo- American airforce



first plan to build the Zwinger, the Zwinger is one of the famous buildings in Germany

the most important construction year for the Zwinger,

order by August the strong

Porcelain Pavilion' and Germany Pavilion', opera house by Porcelain Pavilion, 'Redoutensaal' by Germany Pavilion was built (D. Pöppelmann)

Zwinger became a building for art collections like a museum


first opera house from G. Semper was built

fire in the first opera house

second opera house was built (G. and Manfred Semper)


Castle in Moritzburg

first Castle in Moritzburg was built (H. Dehn-Rothfelser)

construction of the famous animal garden

Fasanerie in Moritzburg was built (J. D. Schade)


first mention of the Castle

installation of the art-room (Heirich Göding Hofmaler)

first fixed opera house was built (W. C. von Klengel)

English staircase was built English stairs (G. Starcke and C. Beyer)

the last big project to extension the castle


Taschenbergpalais was built (M. D. Pöppelmann)

this was built for countess Cosel (a mistress of August the strong)

Dutch-Palais for earl Flemming was built (J. R. Fäsch)

Water-Palais in Pillnitz was built (M. D. Pöppelmann)

Hill-Palais in Pillnitz was built (M. D. Pöppelmann)

integration of the French Garden in Pillniz

Rundtempel in Pillniz was built (C. T. Weinling)

Chinese-Pavilion in Pillniz was built (C. F. Schuricht)

New Palais was built (C. F. Schuricht)

Wackerbarthpalais was built (J. C. Knöffel)

Japanese-Palais was built

Brühlsches Palais was built (J. C. Knöffel)

monument of Friedrich August 1. (G. Semper) on the Brühlsche Terrace

Grünes Gewölbe

installation of eight rooms in the Green Vault (D. Pöppelmann, R. Leplat)


construction of the church 'Kreuzkirche'

first mention of the church 'Franziskanerkirche' with monastery

first mention of the church 'Frauenkirche'

the church 'Dreikönigskirche'was built , as a 'Pfarrkirche'

the church in Pillnitz was built (M. D. Pöppelmann)

the church 'Matthäuskirche' in Friedrichstadt was built (D. Pöppelmann)

Catholic 'Hofkirche' was built (G. Chiaveri)

'Johanneskirche' was built (G. L. Möckel)

Martin-Luther-Church was built (E. Giese)

Franziskanerkirche (later Sophienkirche)

first mention with monastery

reconstruction of the old Franziskanerkirche, now 'Sophienkirche'

installation of the organ of G. Silbermann

Sophienkirche became a 'Evangelische Hof'- Church


construction of the Kreuz-Chapel

opening of the new Kreuzkirche

the church was destroyed

began to build the Kreuzkirche



first mention of the Frauenkirche

extension --> first medal of Dresden

lay the foundation of the Frauenkirche from G. Bährs

demolition of the old Frauenkirche


first Dreikönigskirche was built

first documentary mention

third Deikönigskirche was built (D. Pöppelmann, G. Bähr, J- G- Fehre)

Catholic Hof-Church

began to build the Catholic Hof-Church


Wall and Fortification

first mention of the Town-Wall

last important reconstruction of the fortress (C. V. von Wierandt)

new fortress behind the castle was built (Rochus von Lynar)

fortress on the river Elbe was built

second fortification of Altendresden,

deconstruction of the fortress by order of Napoleon


first documentary mention of a stony bridge

new Elbe-bridge (after destruction through the ice)

Between 19. and 20. century were built some other bridges.

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